Retail Strategy

Innovation Labs and Open HQs in Modern Retail

Innovation Labs and Open HQs in Modern Retail 1440 428 ASG
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Dubbed “Test City, USA,” our hometown of Columbus, Ohio is a mecca for start-ups and product testing. The demographics here mirror the larger United States, in a nice mid-sized, Midwestern package.

In the northeast quadrant of the city is Easton Town Center, a pioneer in mall design. Since opening in 1999, it has tested the possibilities for open-air retail that includes high-end retailers, department stores, brick-and-mortar direct-to-consumer stores, restaurants, entertainment venues, and more.

Today it continues to innovate with EastonLABS, a 500-square foot retail space that retailers can rent to test new products. The mall has since added Restau/Lab to give restaurants the same opportunity.

Flagship stores also are transforming into dynamic community spaces—hubs of creativity, collaboration, and community engagement. These “open HQs” allow brands to integrate consumer input directly into the design and development process and foster positive customer experiences at the same time.

“The retail market is under pressure. The retail landscape is evolving. Success at the shelf is no longer about the depth and breadth of inventory, but rather creating engaging experiences for customers. Change is the new paradigm. Retailers need to adapt to current trends to keep a seat at the table.”
– Deloitte

Companies like HP, Starbucks, Ikea, Sephora, and even Major League Soccer have all launched innovation labs and Open HQs to explore new business models, enhance customer experiences and stay competitive.

Yet the vast majority of innovation labs – a whopping 90% according to one industry report – fail or eventually close, falling short of the success they hoped to accomplish.

Here is what retailers who want to stay ahead of the curve and meet consumer demand for a better experience should know about exploring innovation models and avoiding potential pitfalls.

Engaging the Customer in Innovation

Consumer demand for personalization has only been growing, with 71% expecting businesses to get to know their individual interests. Furthermore, 80% of customers agree that the customer experience is just as important as products and services. Open HQs and creative hubs allow retailers to integrate consumer feedback directly into their processes, fostering a sense of community, and improving customer insights. Retailers are hoping to create a new breed of consumers who are emotionally invested in the brand. And with a staggering 72% of total U.S. retail sales projected to (still) happen in physical stores by 2028, the open HQ model offers customers a place to connect personally, even one-on-one with the brand.

An Evolving, But Not-New Concept

The Genius Bar, where customers receive tech support directly from experts, epitomizes the brand’s commitment to customer engagement and service.

Apple Senior VP of Retail Angela Ahrendts explained that she wanted Apple stores to be a town square, “where the best of Apple comes together and everyone is welcome.”

Several retailers in the United States have introduced an Open HQ model, including Nike’s House of Innovation in New York City. Nike offers personalized experiences where shoppers can test products, provide feedback, and even see prototypes in development. This interactive environment not only enhances the shopping experience, but also allows Nike to gather valuable consumer insights.

Nordstrom’s Innovation Lab has continually learned from trial and error how to refine the lab process and continues to lean in to new technologies that allow customers to personalize products and experience seamless online-to-store integration. Their commitment to experimentation and customer-centric solutions sets them apart.

Walmart’s Intelligent Retail Lab (IRL) is focused on customer experience and efficiency. Residing in a 50,000-square-foot Neighborhood Market store in Long Island, the lab uses thousands of cameras on the ceiling and sensors embedded in shelves to monitor the store in real-time to improve efficiency, keep costs down, and enhance the shopping experience for customers. The cameras can even detect the ripeness of produce based on color alone and alert workers when restocking is needed.

In London, the Samsung KX space in King’s Cross is a striking example of a tech brand embracing the Open HQ model. The venue features a range of experiences, from product demonstrations to workshops and events. Visitors can interact with Samsung products in a relaxed, communal environment, providing feedback directly to designers and developers.

Challenges in Innovation

While the Open HQ and Innovative model offers numerous benefits, it also presents significant challenges. Although many companies have announced new labs, just as many have announced closures.

Earlier this year, Walmart announced the closure of its Store No. 8 innovation hub to cut costs. The retail giant cited the lack of the need for the hub as the reason behind the closure since many of the interactive technology features it was testing are now integrated into several stores.

Ikea’s Space10 lab also shut down last fall after the cofounders stated they had reached all the objectives they had set for the lab. One of the lab’s developments in the decade that it was open was the creation of an augmented reality app that allowed consumers to use their phones to see what a furniture piece would look like in their living spaces.

The very way Open HQs and innovation labs are designed lends itself to challenges. Because innovation is continually evolving, labs will inevitably date themselves and risk becoming obsolete. Because of the costs associated with running Open HQs and innovation labs, retailers may close them more quickly if they fail to produce immediate and tangible results. Look no further than the rule of products. For every one that succeeds, another 10 or more will fail. Retailers must balance the cost of such initiatives with the potential return on investment.

To overcome these challenges, retailers need to adopt a flexible approach. Partnerships with local businesses and community groups can help offset costs and enhance the value of the space. For example, hosting events or workshops in collaboration with local artists or entrepreneurs can attract a diverse range of visitors and foster a sense of community.

The Road Ahead

“Experiential retail – a concept that involves creating unique, innovative, and interactive experiences for customers in a physical retail environment – will be a top trend.”
– NetChoice

As retailers continue to experiment with the Open HQ model, the key to success will be adaptability and a genuine commitment to customer engagement. By actively listening to shopper input and incorporating it into their design and development processes, retailers can create a dynamic and personalized shopping environment. This not only enhances the customer experience but also fosters a sense of loyalty and brand advocacy, as customers feel their voices are heard and valued.

The future of retail lies in creating spaces that are not just about selling products, but about building relationships and fostering creativity. Retailers have the opportunity to transform their stores into vibrant community hubs where ideas can flourish, and feedback is actively sought and appreciated. These spaces can host events, workshops, and collaborative projects that engage customers on a deeper level, making the overall experience more meaningful and interactive.

By prioritizing adaptability, embracing innovation, and valuing customer input, retailers can set new standards for what it means to create a truly engaging and dynamic shopping experience.

Living the Brand: Inside Branded Residences

Living the Brand: Inside Branded Residences 1440 428 ASG
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Imagine a consumer so enamored with a brand that they want to embody it. Isn’t this every retailer’s dream? Enter the creation of branded residences—the next logical step some luxury brands are taking to create a deeper connection with their brand loyalists.

Take the Fendi Chateau Residences in Miami, for example, which feature 58 “flow-through oceanfront residences” featuring interior design by Fendi, white-glove service offered “on an intimate scale,” a spa with European thermal pool, and ultra-luxury concierge services by Fendi Chateau attaché, among other amenities.

Similar branded residences to suit every preference are popping up, and catering to consumers who live and breathe their brands.

Branded Residences Aren’t New – But They’re Hot Now

Branded residences aren’t exactly new. They date all the way back to the 1920s when the Sherry-Netherland became the first branded hotel development to feature fully serviced apartments. The concept gained traction when Four Seasons opened its Boston luxury residences in 1985.

Branded residences are luxury residential properties tied to a brand. Historically, they were only offered by exclusive hoteliers, providing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase their own beautifully designed residence, either within the hotel itself or in a hotel-owned standalone development.

While hoteliers investing in branded residences was a logical progression, today’s lifestyle, auto, and fashion brands also are getting in the game, leading to a resurgence in these signature homes. In fact, the branded residence sector is up 160% over the past decade, according to London-based commercial real estate brokerage Savills.

“Fashion, a natural extension of one’s lifestyle, seems like an obvious choice for a branded home, and luxury buyers trust that products from fashion houses will retain high-quality details and a refined level of craftsmanship,” writes Emma Reynolds in the Robb Report.

While many high-end fashion brands including Fendi have carved out a niche in the home décor industry, branded residences offer the opportunity for these brands to immerse brand loyalists through touches like customized fabrics and fixtures. These looks not only appear in residents’ homes but throughout the entire building as well.

The Collaboration Behind Branded Residences

Branded residences typically stem from a partnership between a company and a developer in which the brand grants a license to the developer to market and sell residences incorporating its brand. Owners of branded residences are also typically required to pay annual homeowners’ association fees to help maintain the elevated look of the property.

Bentley Residences is an example of one of the newest non-hotel branded residences. Miami, which is known as the “branded residence capital of the world,” is home to these 216 furnished apartments and a host of amenities that rival those found in a five-star resort.

The Waldorf Astoria in New York City is another example of a branded residence, though a co-located type since the construction of 375 residences will sit on top of the hotel space. The residential section, called The Towers, has separate owner entrances and a concierge closet at the entryway of each residence to ensure secure and discreet package delivery.

Want the branded residence experience without the commitment (and cost)? Book a stay at Armani Hotels in Milan or Dubai, the self-described “pinnacle of luxurious living and fine dining” in “an exceptional world of luxury.” Starting at $2,400 a night for a room in Milan, guests can add on one-of-a-kind experiences and services to make their stay at Armani Hotel Milano “more and more exclusive.”

What’s the Draw?

The simple explanation points to modern society’s need for brand familiarity and speaks to the equity that some brands can boast, particularly in the luxury sector.

“We live in a branded world, and buyers of such products seek association with brands they are loyal to and know they can rely on for a premium product,” says Jonathan Nash, a top-producing luxury realtor with Beverly Hills-based Hilton & Hyland.

The allure of branded residences’ elevated level of luxury living appeals to time-starved, affluent, and brand-conscious would-be owners who are attracted to all these properties have to offer, including the exclusive brand experience. After all, these residences not only offer quality design, but security and the highest levels of service. Amenities like valet parking, spa services, dog walking, and even personal concierge services are table stakes.

For examples of unique amenities, look no further than Porsche Design Tower or Bentley Residences, whose auto-centric luxury perks include over-the-top personal car elevators. Major Food Group’s Villa even features a private restaurant and chef-designed kitchens.

The Future of Luxury Branded Residences

Here’s a revealing insight: commercial real estate brokerage Savills estimates that non-hotel brands will account for 20% of the total supply of branded residences by 2030. That’s an increase of 40% from current levels, showing the incredible ongoing transformation and expansion within the branded residences market.

They also predict the demand for branded residences will remain strong in global cities that are hubs for business and education, cultural attractions, and unique experiences. All of those attract the sort of affluence required to live in a branded residence.

In addition to New York, London, and Miami, another hot global market that is predicted to experience a growth in branded residences is Dubai, with 51 operational schemes in the works, according to Savills.

A few of the brands planning on entering the market before 2030 include Dolce & Gabbana, de Grisogono, and Mama Shelter.

Silver Shoppers: Adapting Retail for the Aging Generation

Silver Shoppers: Adapting Retail for the Aging Generation 1440 428 ASG

Forget the fountain of youth. It’s time to tap into the silver shoppers tsunami. Older consumers are becoming the majority; even youth-focused brands shouldn’t write them off. This demographic wields significant disposable income, making it ripe for savvy retailers who will provide the products and experiences they desire.

If you have any assumptions about Baby Boomers and the way they spend, it’s time to throw them out. While Millennials are the largest generation by population share, Boomers hold 51% of the wealth in the United States. The International Standard Organization estimates that in the US alone, the Boomer generation outspends others by $400 billion annually—and a significant portion of future global income will be concentrated in their hands.

As the population ages, how can retailers anticipate the needs, desires, and evolving spending habits of older consumers? And what do these “Silver Shoppers” mean for your business?

Shifting Perceptions and Redefining ‘Old’

Would you believe that the women in the Sex and the City spinoff, And Just Like That were supposed to be the same age as the women in The Golden Girls? Or that in All in the Family, Edith was only 44 and Archie was 48? This shift in how age is portrayed in pop culture reflects how the concept of “old” age has changed dramatically in the last few decades.

“More senior citizens are more healthy, adventurous, and actively engaged in society than their counterparts were even 10 years ago. Now, researchers say the way aging is measured should change too,” explains Mehran Movassaghi, M.D. in a blog for Pacific Men’s Health.

Baby Boomers are those who were born between 1946 and 1964. More than 20% of the U.S. population fall into this category.

While retirement is often associated with people in this age group, about 40% of people age 55 and older were working or actively looking for work in 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

This trend of “unretirement” is just one example of how Baby Boomers are bucking what it means to age. A recent Michigan State study found that people say they feel about 20% younger than their actual age. Beginning at age 50, many say they feel about a decade younger.

But how does this redefining of “old” shape the retail market?

Senior Spending Power

According to BCG, there will be more older people than younger people globally in the next couple of decades.

“Aging will transform the demographic structure of every major market, even those with relatively young populations today. In China, for example, the percentage of the population 50 to 70 years old will grow from 26% in 2020 to 30% in 2050. In India, it will increase from 16% in 2020 to 25% over the same period. The size of this opportunity will continue to grow, too: the population of 50- to 70-year-olds in the 12 nations we examined will approach 1.1 billion in 2050.”

This demographic shift offers a significant opportunity to retailers, as the increasing number of older consumers with higher average net worths represents a substantial and growing market segment.

As the population’s average age goes up, retailers and other industries will need to be flexible in how they reach these consumers. Many in this aging cohort are influential, active, and in control of a significant amount of expendable income.

Capture the Boomer Audience

If age is just a number, how does that reflect in the behavior of aging consumers? As it turns out, older consumers are active consumers. Boomers are doing more shopping and scrolling than ever before.

More than half of the Baby Boomer population shops online. Consumer research also found that while most senior populations still prefer to shop in person, there are certain key aspects of online shopping that can be attractive when emphasized, including fast delivery, simple tracking, and secure packaging.

For retailers who recognize the evolving preferences of aging consumers, there’s a significant opportunity to tailor shopping experiences to better cater to this demographic. Here are some tips to capture this dynamic audience that is redefining what it means to age.

1. Meet them where they are.
As Boomers and Gen X age, health and medical care will become a priority. As we recently explored in our article on Medtail, “With an aging Boomer population, increased healthcare demands and shifting consumer preferences, it’s no surprise that repurposing retail space has become a strategic necessity. It has created a dynamic landscape that continues to evolve as both the health care and retail industries face unique challenges.”Retailers, particularly in the Medtail space, can take a tip from CVS, who opened MinuteClinics in many of their locations.“Convenience, accessibility, familiarity, and trust are all elements that retail health clinics and pharmacies can build on in the decades ahead. It’s essential that we make older people feel welcome in retail health clinics and show them that they are interacting with a provider they can trust,” says Creagh Milford, DO, MPH, Senior Vice President of Retail Health, CVS Health.

2. Give them a grocery experience to remember.
Consumer research shows that shoppers between ages 19 and 24 make more than 34% more grocery trips than shoppers ages 75 and older. Because older consumers tend to go to the grocery store less often, each trip becomes more meaningful.Retailers that make in-store conversions to impact the shopping experiences of senior shoppers in a positive way can benefit. For example, varied basket sizes, clear signage, and personalized assistance can offer a better shopping experience for seniors, who are more likely to return when they feel valued and accommodated.Rethinking product offerings to serve the needs of older adults is another way to attract this demographic. From easy-to-open packaging to products designed for accessibility and convenience, adapting offerings to cater to the unique needs and preferences of older adults can enhance their shopping experience and foster loyalty.

3. Make human interaction a priority.
Older consumers tend to prefer the human touch, too. A fitting example of catering to this desire comes in the form of “slow checkout lanes” that have been rolled out in The Netherlands at Jumbo Supermarkets. The slow checkout concept, for shoppers who prefer to chat to a human than scan their own items have been so popular that the chain has promised to open them in 200 additional locations.

4. Integrate technology with accessibility in mind.
Seniors will gladly spend money online, provided you make it easy for them to do so. Ensure that online platforms are user-friendly and accessible, with larger fonts and easy navigation. It’s important for any e-commerce site to be safe and secure since this is a top concern of shopping online for seniors.Retailers should consider offering online shopping with home delivery options for those who may have difficulty visiting physical stores.

5. Offer in-store events or workshops.
Hosting events or workshops tailored to Boomers’ interests, such as cooking demos, gardening classes, and DIY workshops (like Lowe’s DIY-U workshop) is a great way to engage customers in your brand without selling. Those types of activities provide opportunities for social interaction (that we all need) and experiential shopping experiences.

6. Engage in the community.
Consumers in general, but mostly Gen X and Boomers, appreciate businesses that contribute positively to their neighborhoods and support local causes. Engaging with the community through events, sponsorships, or partnerships is a great way to build meaningful relationships.

Become Senior Savvy

In the end, overlooking the opportunity that Silver Shoppers bring to the table can be a huge mistake for your retail business. Industries like apparel, health supplements, skin care brands, alcohol beverages and investment brands are booming thanks to the mature consumer.

This often-overlooked segment of shoppers represents a significant opportunity to retailers. With a better understanding of this demographic, retailers can woo these consumers into loyal shoppers.

loyalty program

Members Only: The Modern Loyalty Program

Members Only: The Modern Loyalty Program 1440 428 ASG

In the 2000s, many of us attached miniature loyalty cards to our keychains or stuffed the full-sized versions in our wallets. Loyalty programs have come a long way since then. Today, we simply punch our phone number into a keypad or scan a QR code to instantly access our loyalty accounts and redeem rewards with ease. Companies use “members only” appeal to gain valuable insights into customer behavior by offering rewards for a variety of desired actions, from social media shout outs to exclusive access to events and early product releases.

While loyalty programs once were used to reward customers for spending money at a retailer, today they have evolved to become powerful tools that help businesses grow. That said, loyalty programs have gotten a facelift to appeal to today’s consumer. Conversion specialist Invesp reports that 49% of consumers spend more after joining a loyalty program. The longer the relationship lasts, the more consumers spend. Repeat customers, on average, spend 67% more over three years than they did in the first six months after purchasing from a brand.

A Winning Strategy

Modern loyalty programs are a win-win and prove to be a powerful consumer-centric retail strategy. A PwC survey found that 53% of consumers choose a business to patronize by considering value, and 30% specifically cite benefits, rewards, and privileges as a factor.  On average, a customer in the United States belongs to 17 loyalty programs, eight of which they are active.

According to The Robin Report, investing in a loyalty program is one of the best marketing investments a brand can make.

“The benefits for retailers are substantial: Loyalty customers shop more, spend more, and stay longer. They’re more likely to engage – rating products and advocating for the brand, online and IRL. Moreover, in the current climate of iOS privacy protections and increased privacy legislation, these programs have become the richest source of permission-based consumer data collection, which can then be used to fine-tune program features and communications for maximum impact. Lastly, companies with high loyalty and/or dependable subscriptions get higher valuations on Wall Street.”

Another benefit of loyalty programs for retailers is the influence loyalty programs have on loyalty member purchasing decisions— a whopping 81% of consumers say a loyalty program membership influences their likelihood of making a purchase. Not to mention 59% of loyalty members are more likely to choose the member brand over a competitor.

According to McKinsey, customers who join loyalty programs are 64% more likely to purchase from that company multiple times, 50% more likely to recommend it to a friend, and 31% more likely to pay more to shop with that brand.

A Hidden Data Goldmine

Loyalty programs present a valuable opportunity for businesses to collect first-party data while offering rewards and incentives to their customers. When executed well, data culled from loyalty programs can help brands increase customer lifetime value, drive repeat purchases, and create brand advocates.

Loyalty programs’ influence spans across multiple channels, including online stores, brick-and-mortar locations, mobile apps, and social media platforms. This omni-channel presence provides customers with seamless interactions and more opportunities to earn and redeem rewards.

Just look to beauty retailer Ulta, which identifies loyalty members’ needs and desires through its membership program, across multiple channels. With more than 42 million active members, Ulta revamped its program in 2024 to further enhance the member experience with special birthday offers. Ulta members earn points on purchases, can earn bigger benefits the more they spend by achieving Platinum or Diamond status, and can use their Ulta Beauty Rewards credit cards to earn even more points. Points can be redeemed for purchases and salon services.

loyalty program

Modern Loyalty Programs and Blockchain Technology

Retail loyalty programs are facing a challenge: keeping customers engaged with programs that often feel siloed and offer limited reward options. Blockchain technology offers a potential solution that could revolutionize how brands design and manage loyalty programs.

Imagine a world where loyalty points aren’t just for your store, but can be earned and redeemed across a network of participating retailers. This is the power of blockchain. It allows you to create secure, digital tokens that represent loyalty points. These tokens are:

  • Decentralized: No single entity controls the data, reducing operational costs and increasing transparency for both you and brands and shoppers.
  • Immutable: Once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered, eliminating fraud concerns.
  • Interoperable: Customers can use their tokens at any store within the network, unlocking greater value and flexibility for them. This can incentivize them to shop at a wider range of stores, potentially introducing them to new products and brands.

Beyond the customer benefits, blockchain offers significant advantages for retailers:

  • Increased engagement: By offering a more versatile rewards system, you’re more likely to keep customers actively participating in your program, leading to repeat purchases.
  • Reduced program management costs: The decentralized nature of blockchain can streamline program administration and potentially reduce maintenance fees.
  • Valuable customer insights: With customer consent, blockchain allows you to gather valuable data on spending habits across the network, providing insights into broader consumer trends and informing more targeted marketing strategies.

While still in its infancy, blockchain has the potential to be a game-changer for loyalty programs. By offering increased value and flexibility for both brands and customers, blockchain can help you create a more engaging and rewarding loyalty program experience. This can ultimately lead to increased customer retention, brand loyalty, and revenue growth.

Unlocking Stronger Customer Relationships

Loyalty programs are a powerful tool to differentiate and drive repeat business. By aligning rewards with customer preferences, brands can create a seamless and rewarding shopping journey that keeps them coming back for more. Studies show that loyalty program members spend up to 67% more over three years than non-members.

Suburban Boom: Is Urban Retail Doomed?

Suburban Boom: Is Urban Retail Doomed? 1440 428 ASG

Is Urban Retail Doomed?
The pandemic brought about a seismic shift in the way people live and work, prompting a mass exodus from city centers to the tranquility of suburban life. As individuals and businesses embraced remote work, the appeal of spacious homes, lower population density, and a more relaxed lifestyle became irresistible.

This migration (or “reshuffling” as some have called it) has impacted various aspects of society, and the retail industry is feeling the reverberations. As more people and businesses choose to stay in the suburbs, retailers are reevaluating their location strategies to adapt to this evolving landscape.

Trends in Suburban Living

People moving away from cities to suburbs is not new, but the pandemic acted as a catalyst, accelerating the shift. Millennials in particular have fled urban areas because of the rising costs of rent, which are now nearly 30% higher than before the pandemic.

The biggest segment of the workforce, many Millennials have moved to the suburbs, recognizing the benefits of remote work, and businesses followed suit. For many businesses, the shift has offered more cost savings and a better quality of life for employees. According to a recent study from McKinsey Global Institute,
• Hybrid work is here to stay. Office attendance has stabilized at 30% below pre-pandemic norms.
• New York City’s urban core recently lost 5% of its population; San Francisco’s lost 7%.
• Foot traffic near stores in metropolitan areas remains 10 to 20% below pre-pandemic levels.

The firm’s research predicts that “few of the people who left will return and that urban shopping will not fully recover.
Echoing the post-World War II exodus of their grandparents, Millennials are putting the suburbs back on the map. Many retailers and restaurants have followed by shifting locations from urban business districts to the suburbs. While this is good news for suburban communities, it’s bad news for cities’ central business districts.

Suburban Shift Alters Retail Location Strategies

Gone are the days of downtown malls drawing metropolitan residents to the city center.
As suburban living continues to gain momentum, retailers are adapting to this new reality. The shift is prompting them to reassess their location criteria, considering factors beyond the urban-center location and forcing landlords to re-evaluate mall and department store spaces.

Retailers must now identify where the new suburban hubs are emerging and strategically position themselves to capture this growing market. This offers retailers the opportunity to meet customers where they are, or are going.

Retailers have re-evaluated where and how they open flagship stores, recognizing that in some cases, Main Street suburbia is a more logical move than 5th Avenue. In other words, the retail store prototype is dead.

Location data becomes particularly important as a form of insight, revealing unexplored opportunities for every potential location. In addition to traffic patterns and roadways, location data reveals extensive demographic data about consumers living in the area.

Factors Shaping Urban and Suburban Retail

As urban and suburban landscapes continue to evolve in response to shifting consumer preferences and socio-economic trends, there are still several factors that could exert influence on retail. Here are a few of these factors that are important to watch over the next few years.

The Call to Return to Office
Return-to-office trends have been somewhat mixed. Some corporations like Boeing and UPS have called for workers to come back five days a week, while others have taken a hybrid approach. Recently, IBM has told U.S.-based managers that they must return to the office at least three days per week, pivoting away from fully remote work.

Where these office spaces are located could have an impact on urban versus suburban retail, ASG President and CEO Carrie Barclay explains. “I think the challenge is going to be the continued evolution of the call of RTO (return to office) and the response – and whether hybrid can remain strong,” Barclay said.

Urban Crime
But urban retail is facing another challenge – the rise of social disorder and crime reminiscent of 70s and 80s, Barclay says. Crime surges drove out many urban residents and businesses, regardless of incentives in place to keep them in the city. “This will have to change in order for retailers to return to urban areas,” Barclay said.

That may be on its way to happening, with recent reports showing homicides declined in the United States across the board in 2023. The five largest cities in the United States – New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Phoenix – each showed at least a 10% decrease in homicides that year.

Omnichannel and e-Commerce
With online shopping becoming increasingly popular, retailers must find ways to blend their physical stores with an online presence to deliver a seamless shopping experience to suburban customers. This shift presents opportunities for retailers, who must consider several factors when reevaluating their location strategies.

Opportunities to consider may include hybrid retail spaces, click-and-collect services, curated local experiences, and local delivery solutions.

Consumer Demographics and Behavior
Changing consumer behaviors, influenced by digital advancements and shifts in shopping habits, have a profound impact on retail location strategies. Online shopping and the desire for convenience prompt retailers to reevaluate their physical presence, considering factors like proximity to residential areas and the integration of online and offline experiences.

Factors such as family-oriented lifestyles, access to green spaces, and a desire for community engagement become crucial considerations in tailoring products and services to meet the expectations of suburban customers.

Technology and the Suburban Retail Experience
Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing the suburban retail experience. Retailers should leverage tools like mobile apps and online platforms to engage suburban consumers, personalize their shopping journeys, and seamlessly integrate digital and physical touchpoints. This creates a tech-enabled shopping environment that aligns with suburban lifestyle expectations.

Community Integration
Suburban consumers value a sense of community. Retailers can benefit from integrating into the local fabric, participating in community events, and understanding the unique needs of suburban residents.

Retailers may need to adapt their store formats to suit suburban environments. Larger store spaces, outdoor seating areas, and a focus on family-friendly shopping experiences can resonate with the suburban lifestyle.

Local Fulfillment Centers
Retailers are exploring the concept of local fulfillment centers strategically placed in suburban areas. This allows for quicker and more cost-effective e-commerce deliveries to suburban customers.

Challenges and Considerations for Retailers in the Suburban Shift

Despite the opportunities, retailers face challenges in the suburban shift, including competition, zoning regulations, and the need for a deep understanding of local consumer nuances.

Navigating these challenges requires careful consideration, a deeper reliance on data analytics, and a flexible approach to adapt to the specific dynamics of each suburban market.

The Future of Retail Location Strategy

The suburban shift has altered the dynamics of retail location strategies. Retailers must adapt to this change, carefully analyzing the emerging suburban hubs and embracing the integration of online and offline channels to remain competitive in this evolving landscape.
Suburban areas are witnessing the rise of mixed-use developments that combine residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, and retailers can benefit from collaborating with developments to become integral parts of these suburban ecosystems.

Retail location strategy is likely to be shaped by continued technological advancements, sustainability considerations, and an emphasis on community integration. Retailers will need to stay agile, adopting innovative approaches to meet evolving consumer expectations and capitalizing on opportunities as they are presented.

Who Cares About Consumer Electronics?

Who Cares About Consumer Electronics? 1440 428 ASG

The consumer electronics industry is thriving, projected to balloon to nearly $1 trillion by 2029. This explosive growth reflects the profound impact electronics have on our daily lives. Consumer electronics are no longer just nice-to-have items for most people.

Today many consumers use tech to buy more tech; but decades ago, if you wanted the latest tech gadgetry, you’d head to the nearest Radio Shack. There you could purchase everything from electronics parts to the first iterations of the home computer and so much more.

Radio Shack led to the birth of consumer electronics stores like Circuit City, Ultimate Electronics, and Best Buy. People would flock to these stores, particularly on Black Friday, to get the latest TV, phone, VCR, and stereo system. But consumer electronics stores found it hard to stay relevant in a world of expanding online retail options. BestBuy continues to explore new ways to add value, and Radio Shack, once hanging on by an ethernet cable, is reportedly clawing its way back. The rest have long since boarded up the doors. That makes us wonder: Does anyone care about consumer electronics stores anymore? And how did we get here? Have selection, accessibility, and relatively lower costs caused us to take consumer electronics for granted?

A Tale of Two Location Strategies: Best Buy vs. Circuit City

In the 1970s, Circuit City was the top consumer electronics store in the country. The retailer had knowledgeable experts ready to help consumers make the best choices for their needs; it was widely considered a trustworthy place to shop.

But things change.

The internet equalized access to knowledge and more education consumers knew what they wanted to buy when they came to the store. Modern consumers wanted convenience, but Circuit City (like Blockbuster) failed to pay attention to the changing dynamics in the industry. And they did not recognize how desperately they needed to change their location strategy to appeal to consumers.

“Circuit City chose inconvenient store locations and consumers chose to visit the more convenient Walmart stores; it was slow to supply its customers gaming technology, failed to promote products from popular vendors like Apple; and its web site was underdeveloped just as Amazon was beginning to surge in popularity.” – Inc

Best Buy

Best Buy not only survived through the disruption of Amazon and the pandemic, but has managed to thrive. But how?

Best Buy embraces the evolving market by offering a compelling combination of physical experience, expert advice, and the convenience of a pre-owned market. During the pandemic, the retailer acted quickly to provide curbside service and adjust its business model to meet consumer demand. The brand didn’t just make it through the dark times, but came “roaring out of the pandemic era with 37% sales growth.” The secret to its success? Using data analytics to inform their retail location strategy.

“Best Buy recognized that 70% of US consumers lived 15 minutes or less from one of their physical locations. This meant they could offer a service where customers could use the website to view products, and then find out if the item they wanted was in stock at their local store. If so, they could simply place their order, and then head down to the store and collect it – much in the same way Starbucks offers its mobile order-and-pay service – cutting down on time spent browsing shelves in store.”
– Future Stores

Now, they are using that responsive approach while diversifying their offerings to appeal to modern consumers with Best Buy Health and strategic partnerships with hospitals and healthcare electronics that bridge the healthcare gap.

Consumer Electronics in Brick-and-Mortar

The consumer electronics industry faces a fascinating challenge. The very technology it offers has empowered consumers to bypass traditional stores in favor of online shopping. Direct-to-consumer giants like Apple establish their own retail spaces, while e-commerce behemoths like Amazon offer unparalleled convenience and competitive pricing, both diminishing foot traffic in electronics stores.

That said, dismissing physical retail entirely would be a strategic misstep; while convenience is a strong consumer driver, physical stores offer crucial advantages.

Electronics brands still benefit from partnerships with brick-and-mortar retailers. An in-store presence allows brands to showcase new devices, provide tactile experiences, offer personalized recommendations by knowledgeable staff, and provide pre-owned offerings catering to budget- and eco-conscious consumers.

Retail Strategy for the AI, 5G, XR Age

Consumers already rely on electronics to deliver a seamless lived experience; this will only become more prevalent as AI and 5G converge. Add holography and virtual reality to the mix and the world we experience in even the next five years will look remarkably different than the one we’re living in now—and it will largely be driven by consumer electronic devices that keep consumers connected to the world. Our devices have become critical tools for delivering the products, experiences and connections consumers want.

“Consumer electronics are a very peculiar industry, one that shares elements with the fashion and luxury industries, with the added pressure of being reference voices for innovation and new trends. This means that the evolution in consumer electronics ecommerce is far from over, and all its main actors will keep looking for a strategy that gives them at least a little advantage over its competitors.”.
– VTex

As a result, partnerships between retailers and consumer electronics brands are increasingly strategic, with collaborations geared toward creating immersive in-store experiences, leveraging online platforms, optimizing supply-chain logistics, and more.

Some examples:
Vizio & Walmart – The retail giant’s recently announced the $2.3 billion purchase of its largest TV vendor, giving Walmart a stronger foothold in the business of selling ads, subscriptions, and other revenue-generating activities.

Samsung & Best Buy – This strategic partnership involves co-branded promotions, pre-order campaigns, and in-store experience zones. Samsung benefits from prominent store placement, dedicated staff promoting their products, and amplified marketing reach through Best Buy’s channels.

Apple & Apple-Authorized Resellers – Apple partners with authorized resellers, allowing a wider physical presence while maintaining control over product and customer service.

Dyson & Target – Dyson partnered with Target to offer a curated selection of its products in select stores. This grants Dyson a physical store presence and broader brand exposure.

Future Opportunities and Challenges

Advancements in technology coupled with evolving consumer preferences and the rise of e-commerce has fundamentally reshaped electronics retail. Stores like Best Buy offer a compelling example of how to adapt.

Survival hinges on surpassing the simple act of selling electronics. Today, it’s about the entire customer experience: seamlessly integrating online and in-store options, prioritizing convenience, and offering personalized tech solutions. This shift acknowledges the ever-increasing demand for the latest gadgets while addressing the growing concerns around sustainability and ethical manufacturing. Building partnerships with brands that share these values becomes crucial to staying competitive in a landscape driven by tech-savvy consumers with ever-evolving expectations.

Don’t pull a Circuit City. Learn more about how retail location data can lead to success: Make the Right Move with Retail Location Data (

Experiential Retail: A Balancing Act for Profitability and Appeal

Experiential Retail: A Balancing Act for Profitability and Appeal 1440 428 ASG

Transactional shopping is easy to do online, from the comfort of home, with free shipping and free returns. But consumers want a reason to leave their home, drive to your location, find a parking spot, and step inside your store—and it’s up to retailers to give it to them. And as the landlord, you want that foot traffic as much as the retailer does.

With attractions ranging from pop-up retailers with limited holiday engagements and entertainment spaces like theaters and concert venues to active leisure activities like axe throwing and escape rooms, today’s mall bears very little resemblance to these retail meccas of yesteryear.

Experiential retail shifts the focus from transactions to immersive experiences, aiming to offer customers unique, memorable interactions beyond what online shopping provides. It acknowledges that shoppers crave engaging, value-added experiences alongside their purchases.

Adapting to Experiential

How can landlords balance attracting foot traffic while safeguarding investments amid experiential retailers’ needs for space and tighter budgets? The short answer, of course, is to say yes. Offer flexible space, invite the experiential retailers in. Give consumers a reason to keep coming back.

Of course, it’s more complex than that and there are many factors that must be considered, but the mall of today represents a huge opportunity for retail growth and renewed consumer interest.

Doug Tilson, who leads ASG’s Tenant Representation, explains:
“The real struggle for landlords is walking this fine line between bringing in the experiential retailers that consumers want, while still meeting the financial goals for their shopping centers. A lot of these locations are publicly traded REITs with profit goals and shareholder expectations they must meet.”

Making the Most of Your Mall Space

How can landlords position themselves to benefit from experiential retail? How do they attract a beneficial combination of retail offerings that keep the traffic coming? Consider these factors:

Strike a Balance
How do landlords marry the need to show profits with less lucrative experiential retail tenants?
Tilson explains, “There is significant competition for space, especially in the top-tier shopping centers. So, there is a tradeoff between doing something the customer desires with the constraints of possibly lower returns,” he says. “If an experiential retailer pays less, does the landlord do it for the customer, or do they prioritize the more profitable traditional retailer? My advice: Look at your shopping center as an asset and stay relevant with your consumers. Ignore short-term quarterly earnings and focus on the long-term strategy.”

Curate Your Tenant Mix
Carefully curating the mix of tenants within a shopping center or complex is crucial. Selecting retailers that align with the experiential trend and offer unique, engaging, or interactive elements contributes to the overall appeal of the retail space, but they should not be the only priority.
“We saw this happen in many shopping centers when sit-down restaurants became popular,” says Tilson. “In a number of instances, landlords went overboard and ended up with an imbalance. They must be careful not to overdo any one type of retail. And consumers still want to shop; shopping centers still need traditional retailers. Don’t throw baby out with bath water. You still have to have products for consumers to buy, whether or not they have an experiential component to them.”

Embrace New Retailers, but Perform Due Diligence
Just because you may be considering bringing in more experiential retailers doesn’t mean you still shouldn’t perform due diligence. It’s important to maintain fiscal responsibility with new tenants, even if you’re providing more flexibility to the terms of the lease regarding space and scalability. Be sure to address the issue of liability, particularly as it concerns some of the more adventurous experiences.

Use the Fundamentals of Retail Real Estate Strategy
For landlords, consumer expectations may change, but the basic tenets of retail real estate investment have not. (For more, pick up Secrets of Retail Real Estate: How Successful Retailers Win by ASG founder Steve Morris). Location matters. Accessibility matters. The only thing that has really changed are the types of retailers. You’re more likely to have success with a grocery store as an anchor than a department store these days. And you may need to consider more flexible lease and space terms to attract the right kind of retailers to your space.

Embrace Agility
If the pandemic taught retailers anything, it’s that everything can change in an instant. Be agile and willing to change your strategy to suit shifting demand. Where department stores once ruled, it’s more likely your spaces will be filled with DTCs opening physical locations, medical retail, seasonal pop-ups, and experiential retailers. But this shift is an exciting one, because the changing dynamics of your location can be a draw for consumers who are looking forward to what’s next.

Design Stores for Flexibility
Flexibility is a crucial factor in designing retail spaces that attract experiential retailers. Consider allowing retailers to create dynamic and ever-changing environments by offering modular layouts, movable fixtures, and adaptable spaces that can accommodate distinct types of experiences.

Integrate Technology
Incorporating technology into retail spaces is necessary with experiential retail. From augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) elements to interactive displays and seamless online-offline integration, retail landlords should supply the infrastructure necessary to support these technologies.

Prioritize Sustainability
Embracing sustainability practices can resonate with consumers who are increasingly conscious of environmental issues. Retail landlords can encourage and support eco-friendly practices among their tenants, creating a positive and responsible image for the entire retail space.

Analyze the Data
Leveraging data analytics can help retail landlords understand consumer behavior and preferences. This information can be used to tailor experiences, optimize tenant mixes, and continually adapt the retail environment to meet changing consumer expectations.

Perfectly Positioned
Landlords can embrace experiential retail while taking a balanced and prudent approach by implementing these strategies. This holistic approach allows retail landlords to position their spaces as destinations rather than mere transaction points, creating a more compelling and competitive retail environment that will attract consumers for the long-term, while minimizing the risk of financial insolvency.

Modern Landlords and the Department Store Dilemma

Modern Landlords and the Department Store Dilemma 1440 428 ASG

As traditional department stores grapple with significant losses in a challenging retail landscape, modern landlords should adopt flexible leasing models to remain competitive. To navigate changing consumer preferences, department stores must innovate by investing in technology, enhancing online shopping experiences, and forming strategic partnerships. Success stories from adaptable retailers like Von Maur, Bloomingdale’s, and the unexpected return of Toys “R” Us offer insights into strategies for reinvention.

Department stores have been on a tough journey lately, and a big part of that story revolves around changing consumer behavior and the dynamics of retail real estate. Stores have seen a dip in foot traffic, leading to a struggle to pay the rents demanded by retail landlords.
According to Modern Retail, in just one quarter in 2023, Macy’s recorded $22 million in net losses, Kohl’s profits plunged 60% to $58 million, and Nordstrom’s net sales dropped 8.3%.

But it didn’t always used to be this way.

“Not only did department stores sell everything people needed to clothe themselves and furnish their homes, but they took advantage of the fact that, for the first time, consumers had disposable income. Department stores provided demos, offered lectures, and hosted entertainment events. Shopping was – get the irony here – an experience.”
– Carrie Barclay, President and CEO, ASG

Department Stores Struggle to Keep Up

This history of the department store is a reflection of our culture. But according to Frontier Economics, “the pace of the changes in the last year, including rising costs, channel shift and fast-evolving customer habits, has pushed many department stores to the brink. Even the biggest and best-known brands have faced difficulties. House of Fraser is under new ownership; Debenhams is fighting hard to stay alive; and John Lewis has reduced staff bonuses for the first time in over 60 years.”

Economic shifts and rising operational costs have made it tough for these former retail giants to sustain their traditional models. As a result, we’ve seen closures and restructurings as department stores grapple with these challenges. Meanwhile, shoppers are after more personalized experiences and specialized products, which many department stores find tricky to provide with their one-size-fits-all approach.

This shift in consumer behavior has hit the bottom line for these stores, putting pressure on their ability to keep up with the usual high rents in prime locations.

So, what is a modern landlord to do? Our top advice—be flexible.

Flexibility in leasing department store spaces allows landlords to remain responsive to market demands, attract a wider range of tenants, optimize space utilization, and mitigate risks, ultimately contributing to the overall success and sustainability of department store properties.

What’s Actually Happening to Department Stores?

Many traditional retailers have adapted to the digital age, exploring online sales channels, and implementing innovative strategies to stay competitive. The ones that didn’t are going the way of Kmart, like the following examples.

Bed, Bath, and Beyond
Bed, Bath, and Beyond went from being the retailer on top of the world in the post-economic downturn of 2008 to filing bankruptcy, suing suppliers, and being eaten up by Overstock in 2023. What happened?

The failure is “the result of an increasingly unwieldy corporate structure and its failure to fully reckon with the ascendance of online shopping,” according to the New York Times. In the article, Neil Saunders describes their situation as a death spiral, mostly caused by mishandling of debt.

Bed Bath & Beyond’s stores have closed, but Overstock acquired their intellectual property and took the BBB name in order to “acquire new customers and cement itself as a go-to home goods retailer,” according to CNBC.

Tuesday Morning
Tuesday Morning has closed its remaining 487 stores in 40 states after being approved for bankruptcy. Like Bed, Bath, and Beyond, the company was overextended, and when Wells Fargo increased their cash reserve requirement from $10 million to $30 million, it effectively eliminated any liquidity they had, as explained in a Retail Dive brief.

What Department Stores Can Do to Reinvent

The demise of the department store should be a wake-up call to all retailers to adjust course with the following strategies.

Adapt and Innovate
To survive and thrive, department stores must adapt to evolving consumer preferences. Investing in technology, enhancing the online shopping experience, and incorporating sustainable practices are crucial for staying competitive in today’s market.

The aging Boomer population and the multigenerational increased focus on health has opened doors to medtail, making “retail space a strategic necessity” that has created a dynamic landscape that continues to evolve as both the health care and retail industries face unique challenges.”

Collaborations and Partnerships
Strategic collaborations with popular and emerging brands can breathe new life into department stores. By creating exclusive partnerships or hosting pop-up shops, these stores can attract a diverse range of consumers and generate excitement around their offerings. Grocery stores and beyond are focusing more on consumer values, from sustainable, locally sourced products to products that are committed to protecting the environment.

Focus on Experience
Successful retailers are increasingly focusing on creating memorable in-store experiences. From interactive displays to immersive technologies, department stores must go beyond simple transactions and offer an environment that engages and delights customers.

As we previously reported, “The modern mall is undergoing a remarkable transformation to meet the changing needs and high expectations of today’s consumers. We are excited to be at the forefront, watching how retailers and mall owners embrace innovation, creativity, and technology to reinvent the mall experience. From immersive and experiential offerings to convenient and sustainable practices, the modern mall is poised to become a dynamic and engaging destination that goes beyond traditional retail.”

Contemporary Department Stores Getting it Right

While some department stores have sounded the death nell and others are facing imminent demise, several department stores are demonstrating a level of flexibility and agility that may help them survive in the modern era.

Von Maur
Headquartered in Davenport, Iowa, Von Maur is the parent company of Dry Goods, a women’s contemporary fashion store targeted toward modern young consumers. Von Maur is expanding Dry Goods rapidly, with 11 new store openings in 2023. Von Maur Dry Goods has been in business since 1872 but have managed to reinvent themselves time and again to keep up with consumer demand. Today’s focus is “fashion-forward style meets old-fashioned customer service.”

It might be surprising to see Bloomingdale’s on the list of hopeful success stories, but they have made some big moves to remain relevant, including appointing a new CEO. Unlike their parent company Macy’s that continues to struggle with relevancy and operational efficiency, Bloomingdale’s shows promise, says GlobalData Retail managing director Neil Saunders, who believes the new CEO’s international connections and experience will benefit the retailer.

In an interview with Modern Retail, Saunders said, “There are good brands in there. There’s a good selection. But really, there needs to be more differentiation. There needs to be more exclusive lines, more young, up-and-coming designers. There needs to be more newness.”

Toys “R” Us in Macy’s
Much to the devastation of generations of kids, Toys “R” Us closed their stores in 2018 and filed for bankruptcy. No one expected the brand to reemerge, but they now have 452 shop-in-shops in Macy’s around the country and have plans to open 24 flagship stores. Their new retail location strategy – air, land, and sea – will see stores opening in airports, on cruise ships, and in strategic locations throughout the U.S.

The Future Belongs to Innovators
“If the high street and the city centre are to survive, these important landmarks must find new ways to become destinations. Otherwise, the city may succumb to the 21st century’s version of retail modernity: the cavernous, windowless, invisible, under-regulated, under-taxed Amazon warehouse.” – Apollo

The state of department stores reflects a broader transformation occurring in retail. While closures of big box, specialty, and legacy stores may signal challenges, they also present opportunities for adaptation and innovation. As the industry continues to evolve, the key to success lies in the ability to embrace change and meet the dynamic needs of today’s discerning consumers.

The Modern Airport is the Destination

The Modern Airport is the Destination 1440 428 ASG

Imagine visiting an airport that not only serves as a transport hub, but also doubles as an adventure park, shopping mall, and sanctuary for relaxation.

In today’s travel landscape, airports are redefining themselves as destinations in their own right, offering travelers and locals alike experiences that go beyond the usual concept of an airport. Whether you’re looking for a taste of local culture, thrilling entertainment or an oasis to escape the stresses of travel, airports are evolving to cater to a diverse range of preferences and needs.

The timing couldn’t be more important. Industry experts say an expected 9.4 billion passengers are expected to travel by air in 2024, an important milestone as the global industry continues to recover post-pandemic. By comparison, the year 2019 saw 9.2 billion airline passengers.

The transformation of airports into dynamic, multifaceted spaces reflects a growing trend that enhances the travel experience, making the journey as memorable as the destination. Here’s how they’re doing it.

Amplifying Local: Airports Embracing Regional Flavors and Culture

At Adelaide Airport in South Australia, you’ll find 100 Miles, a restaurant with a unique philosophy: It exclusively uses ingredients procured from within a 100-mile radius of the establishment. Embracing the flavors of the region, this innovative eatery offers a menu featuring locally-sourced, seasonal ingredients sourced from the city’s Central Market and paired with South Australian wine.

The conceptual restaurant amplifies local flair and offers the nearly 6.5 million passengers traveling through the airport each year a taste of the region’s culture and products.

Yet 100 Miles isn’t just a restaurant; it’s a snapshot of the modern airport, reflecting the growing trend of providing authentic and locally-inspired experiences to travelers.

Across the ocean in Seattle, an expansion currently under way of the C Concourse at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport is inspired by the Pacific Northwest landscape. The more than 145,500-square-foot expansion, expected to be complete in 2027, adds four additional stories above the airport’s existing concourse.

With enhanced views of the surrounding Olympic Mountains as the backdrop, the project provides travelers with additional dining and retail spaces, as well as amenities like interfaith prayer and meditation rooms and a nursing suite. A marketplace located in the middle of the concourse will be modeled after Seattle’s famous farmers’ markets and will serve as a location for more retail kiosks and musician performances.

As part of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority’s multi-year redevelopment plans, Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport will see a boost of local flair. D.C.-area coffee shops, gift shops and apparel shops will add locations inside the airports, alongside a new restaurant at Dulles from Fabio Trabocchi, a celebrity chef and owner of the Italian restaurant Sfoglina, which is nestled in the northern D.C. neighborhood of Van Ness.

Revamped Retail: Transforming Airports into Entertainment Destinations

Airports are not only redesigning retail and entertainment spaces to cater to the preferences of today’s travelers, but also becoming entertainment hubs – not simply a necessary stop.

At Perth Airport in Western Australia, guests can escape a haunted house, explore a space station, or battle pirates on the high seas– all while never leaving the first level of Terminal 1 International. It’s all part of the airport’s enhanced VR experience, Gaming Point, which offers VR escape rooms to elevate the travel experience. Gaming Point also allows guests to choose from a library of more than 50,000 games to play on state-of-the-art gaming desktops. Once gamers leave the airport, they can continue to play using their own Steam network account.

Have a long layover? No problem. Check out the flight museum or the used book store at the Milwaukee Mitchell airport, or play interactive games in Buzz Zones at the Hong Kong International Airport. Immerse yourself in art at one of Miami International Airport’s galleries, or make sure you plan a special trip through the Munich Airport during the holidays where you’ll find a Christmas market that features an ice skating rink, carousel and an open market selling handmade crafts.

Airport Innovation: Setting New Standards for Comfort

It’s not all about entertainment. International airports are also elevating passenger comfort and relaxation during layovers.

At the forefront of innovation, Auckland Airport’s Strata Lounge boasts private wellness pods that visitors can book in advance. These pods create a calming ambiance through gentle, customizable lighting, immersive floor-to-ceiling photographic murals of tranquil forest landscapes, and modular sofas that can be converted into single and twin sizes.

At Dubai International Airport, global travel hospitality brand Airport Dimensions has installed its largest “Sleep and Fly” lounge where guests can unwind and even take a power nap in between flights. Afterward, guests can freshen up in luxurious showers stocked with Ayurvedic spa products, enhancing the sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

The “Sleep and Fly” lounge is a prime example of how airports are setting new standards for airport comfort, reflecting a growing trend in which airports worldwide are redefining the passenger experience. As travelers increasingly seek unique and enjoyable layover experiences, these airports are taking the lead in offering services that elevate the airport experience to new heights.

Airports as Community Hubs: Enticing Locals to the Airport

While most people who walk through the automatic doors of an airport are on their way to somewhere else, more airports are reimagining what it means to be a community hub.

By transforming airports into hubs for socializing, recreation and even a whole day of entertainment, they are no longer simply places for travelers in transit. This shift in perspective is enticing locals to visit the airport for activities – many of which have nothing to do with traveling.

One example of this transformation that sets the standard for airports serving as the new mall is the Changi Airport in Singapore, home to the Jewel mall. Nearly 300 retail and dining outlets offer a variety of airport shopping center experiences at the mall. Near these airport retailers is a 150,000-square-foot Canopy Park that includes gardens, topiary walks, bouncing nets, mazes and giant slides that create a fun airport experience. While these areas are part of the airport complex, they are located in the landside zone and are accessible to anyone – flight ticket or not.

At the Detroit Metro Airport, visitors have access to two terminals with a DTW Destination Pass, and at Orlando International Airport, you can visit terminal C with a visitor pass. While these passes allow family and friends to surprise loved ones arriving at any of the gates near the terminals, it also offers an opportunity for locals to access a PGA tour shop, gather for a drink at a taproom, get a massage and eat at one of dozens of restaurants.

The distinction between travelers and locals blurs in these locations, as airports are increasingly working to invite everyone to explore a world of social interaction within their confines.

Wellness in Travel: Enhancing Passenger Well-Being

1 in 3 business travelers say the journey itself is the most stressful stage of their trip out of town. And in a post-pandemic world, only about a third of those traveling for business are happy to be back on the road, citing stress and exhaustion for their hesitance.

Even those traveling for vacation often experience stress. More than 90% of Americans say traveling can be stressful.

Many airports are seeing an opportunity to address this stress by enhancing the passenger experience. While comfortable lounge chairs, calming teas and neck warmers to relax tension may sound like pampering tools found in a luxurious spa, they are actually part of the Centurion Lounge space at Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport.

Airports like this one are increasingly focused on promoting passenger well-being by introducing a range of amenities and services that cater to holistic health, relaxation and mental peace. This shift in perspective reflects a broader trend in the travel industry, as travelers seek ways to alleviate the stress and anxiety often associated with journeys.

Other key developments in this wellness-centric transformation include:

Bringing nature into the terminal through incorporating natural elements like dog parks and walking paths.
Offering healthier dining options like at Newcastle International Airport in the UK, where you can find a range of vegan, vegetarian and other healthy food options.
Wellness-centric lounges that offer private sanctuaries to de-stress and take a break from the airport crowds.
Digital gyms like at the Incheon Airport in South Korea, where passengers can participate in interactive visual workouts for different ages.
Wellness services, including flu shots, IV infusions, diagnostic testing and even virtual yoga and meditation services offered through XpresSpa at airports in New York, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City.
Noise pollution reductions that eliminate loudspeaker announcements (and additional passenger stress) at Zurich Airport.

From celebrating local culture where passengers can embrace regional flavors to ensuring visitors are entertained or comforted, airports have undergone a remarkable transformation. With more than 9 billion passengers expected to travel by air in 2024, it’s crucial for airports to evolve and carefully craft elevated experiences so that they are not merely a means to an end.

The way and why people travel are changing. Read about The New Bucket List Travel:

The Retail Store Prototype is Dead

The Retail Store Prototype is Dead 1440 428 ASG

Once upon a time, when a store launched, there was a flagship on 5th Avenue in New York City that served as the prototype store. From there, a standard cookie-cutter rollout of smaller, but similar, stores proliferated across the country as the brand grew. In fact, it became so cookie-cutter that it led our CEO, Carrie Barclay, to write about the threat of retail homogeny in 2017.

As Carrie wrote then, homogeny is for milk, not for retail. Today, those prescient words are proving themselves again and again.

Time to Toss Out the Recipe Book

There is no cookie-cutter roll out anymore. In fact, without the right data, it’s hard to know where to locate a new retail store, let alone the design that should be implemented.
You might instinctively think New York City is where you need to be, but the data may point to better success in Indianapolis.

Most retailers vying for today’s customers must be able to deliver a hyper-personal, customized experience that is different in every location. The store a brand opens in Buffalo, New York simply cannot be the same store as the one in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Retail Location Strategy and Store Design Are Intertwined

Today’s retail location strategy and store design must be relevant and deliberate. Rollout is a complex dance where every store is now a prototype.

As retailers try to control the cost of building, sourcing materials from the local area is a smart approach, but that means different material boards for each region; styles and materials for stores in the Pacific Northwest will be different from those in the Midwest.

Rather than see this as another wall barring retail growth, brands can embrace the opportunity to use location, materials, and product mix together as a way to provide a unique experience in every store. Not only do local customers appreciate the local feel, but travelers enjoy going into to a store they love in a different location and noticing local or regional differences in the retail environment.

“Don’t go too quickly. Take it slow. You don’t need to go from 0 to 20 stores in a year—especially if you’re just starting out. You don’t have to commit to rolling something out across the entire fleet. Give yourself the chance to evaluate what works and what doesn’t. How does it work for the staff? Customers? What if we can’t duplicate it? Or if you must change it for every single store? Someone needs to be the keeper of the standards and organization, and that’s where we step in,” says Jennifer Crawford, Senior Project Manager at ASG.

Opportunity to Meet Customers Where They Are

Post-pandemic, consumers are shopping closer to home, but they still seek unique and memorable experiences when shopping in person – and they do love to shop in person. These factors are shifting location strategies for retailers, leading to store openings outside of the typical launch areas – and introducing unique store designs for certain neighborhoods and college campuses.

“You can maintain a national footprint and effectively leverage regional and localized design. Bringing these strategies to scale can be a differentiator for retailers who want to thrive, not just survive.”

—Carrie Barclay, President and CEO of ASG

When assessing retail spaces, location data emerges as a distinct form of insight, capable of revealing unexplored opportunities for every potential location. This data explores more than just traffic patterns, structures, and roadways. In addition to all that information, it also reveals extensive demographic data about the consumers living in the area, including median income, home values, and more.

With data-driven insights, brands can test a variety of different prototypes to see what works where. Small-format stores and flagships can benefit from the insights that give a human touch to the brand.

How Are Brands Repositioning?

Retailer solebox is a shoe company in which every location is specifically designed for where it’s located. Their website explains, “The stores all have their own design concept and stand for themselves – what connects them is the carefully curated assortment. The latest sneakers, streetwear from different continents but also some pieces from the high fashion world can be found at solebox.”

Jeni’s is a popular ice cream shop with more than 25+ locations. Travelers love seeking out Jeni’s in the towns they visit because they know they’ll find something different at each location. Jeni’s has developed a winning strategy of choosing a location, like Congress Street in Austin, Texas, and then creating flavors based on the local market. They also appeal to customers’ desire for sustainability and inclusivity by using Direct Trade ingredients, employing a diverse team of people, and working to improve our environmental and social impact.

“People go on first dates at Jeni’s Scoop Shops, people get proposed to, and have their weddings with us…Our customers send our ice cream for Mother’s Day, bereavement gifts, and anniversary gifts. We are a part of people’s lives,” said Chelsea Clements, former director of ecommerce at Jeni’s, to ShopperHQ.

American clothing and accessory retailer Vineyard Vines was founded in 1998 on Martha’s Vineyard by brothers Shep & Ian Murray, who still lead the company. They now operate more than 70 retail locations, including an outlet division, a successful e-commerce business, a domestic distribution center, and expanding corporate headquarters. Shep & Ian’s philosophy that “every day should feel this good” and “if you’re doing what you love, you’ll be successful” is a major part of their brand. In 2020, they reevaluated their location strategy and, working with ASG, discovered that the brand does best along the coastlines.

To compete effectively for today’s experience-driven consumer, retailers must toss out their old playbooks and develop location and design strategies that connect with consumers where they are. The traditional store prototype is dead; now, every store is a prototype that allows the brand to learn more about what customers want and fine-tune their approach.

Read more about ASG’s retail location and insights tool, ASGEdge, which helps retailers examine potential sites using a forward-looking modeling that scrutinizes an extensive list of variables, including proximity to competitors, demographic insights, and consumer behavior.
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