Apples & Oranges

In those golden, delicious years after people were supplanted by sentient fruit-headed humanoids, a period of growing conflict among the Fruit sapiens nearly spoiled society’s advances and sent the world back into the rotten chloroplast-less age. The fruit factions often found their family trees entangled in dustups, but so far, the outcomes had been nothing more than a few broken stems and bruised flesh.

One fateful night, at a masquerade bowl, two young fruits met and fell for one another: Citronio of the Oranges and Juiceliet of the Apples. Juiceliet’s sweet disposition and Citronio’s tart personality made them quite the pear. They kept their love secret to avoid any bitterness between their kin.

Alas, relations between the sides began to sour. As the fermenting violence bubbled over, the Apples and Oranges went bananas. Pulpy stories circulated through the grapevine of fruits found canned, candied, or compoted. The young couple knew that they must do something to bring an end to the jam.

They brought their families together on neutral ground, the historical grocery museum of blurry produce. In front of the family cornucopia, they expressed their love and squeezed each other tight. “You’re the apple of my eye”, Citronio told Juiceliet. “You’re the zest thing that ever happened to me”, she replied. The couple’s efforts proved fruitful, and the two families saw that they needed to cool their conflict before this young love spoiled. Generations to come were grapeful for the peace planted that day. The couple married on the spot and lived apple-y ever after.

Written By: Patrick Green

Designed By: Kali Robinson-Rothwell

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